The ways to keep relationgggshiiiip working: 1) Love each other
The ways to keep relationgggshiiiip working: 2) Don't lie
The ways to keep relationgggshiiiip working: 3) Keep communication open
The ways to keep relationgggshiiiip working: 4) Stay sweet
The ways to keep relationgggshiiiip working: 5) When you get hurt, just forgive and forget
The ways to keep relationggggshiiiip working: 6) Never talk about break-ups
The ways to keep relationggshiiip working: 7) Never say it's ok even when it's not
The ways to keep relationgggshiiip working: 8) Forget about pride
The ways to keep relationgggshiiip working: 9) If you say sorry, mean it
The ways to keep relationgggshiiip working: 10) Don't compare your past with your present
The ways to keep relationggshiiip working: 11) Don't talk about your stupid ex
The ways to keep relationggshiiip working: 12) Give and take process
The ways to keep relationgggshiiip working: 13) When you had a fight don't let the day pass
The way to keep relationgggshiiip working: 14) Don't be the perfect one, be the right one